Although the glossy photos on the magazine covers make modeling seem like a cushy, glitzy job, the endless hours of arduous work that the model puts in, is not something that many people see.
Do you, nonetheless, consider modeling to be the right career choice for you? With the fundamental qualities required to be a model, anyone who truly desires to have a career in modeling should set their sights on that goal, and resolve to make it happen.
Conducting a self-evaluation should be your first step. Do you believe that you have the characteristics necessary for a career in professional modeling? Do you think that your body type, height, appearance, and age make you a candidate for modeling? With the various kinds of modeling opportunities available, even if you are not stick thin, you may have a career in modeling? The general kinds of modeling include: pin-up, runway, fashion, and glamour. There are also models for specific body parts, catalog models, and models for plus-size clothing.
Following your self-analysis, you should take the next step and begin to apply your plan for a modeling career. A portfolio is a necessity, so if you do not have one, you need to start developing one. If you do not currently have professional photos of yourself, you should first purchase a set of high quality 8x10 photographs.
In your portfolio, you should be sure to include one full body shot, and one head shot of yourself, taken by a professional photographer, at their studio Taking the time to prepare the best portfolio that you can, will let the modeling agent or client see that a career as a supermodel is something that you feel passionately about.
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The purpose of Runway, or Catwalk modeling, is to showcase new designs.
The model who can make the designers' clothing look absolutely fabulous, in any light, is the one who gets the most gigs...period.
Runway modeling is a great way to launch your career! You never know who is in the audience: a top designer, photographer or talent scout.
Great runway models are made, not born (well there are some exceptions). Here are 6 tips to help you knock them dead on the catwalk:
Runway Modeling Tip #1 - Posture: Stand up straight with your shoulders at the back. Never slouch or hunch. An erect posture will make you look and feel more confident and secure.
Runway Modeling Tip #2 - Focus: Don't gaze and gawk in every direction. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead. Never look down at your feet or scan the audience. Focus your gaze on an imaginary point straight off in the distance.
Runway Modeling Tip #3 - Chin Down: In most situations, it's good advice to "keep your chin up". Well not on the runway. Remember, your audience is sitting down and looking up at you. So tilt your chin down slightly.
Runway Modeling Tip #4 - Hands Open:Remember to Keep your hands open and fingers visible. Not only do balled up fingers and hidden hands make you look like an amputee in photos but clenched fist make you appear tense, fearful or angry.
Runway Modeling Tip #5 - Arm Swing: The rules vary between women and men. Ladies, while your lower arms may swing as you walk, keep your upper arms close to your body. Men, on the other hand...let your arms swing naturally with your gait.
Runway Modeling Tip #5 - Walk This Way: Walk like a runway model, which is properly but naturally. Ladies,put one foot directly in front of the other, but with long confident strides. This will naturally make your hips sway and your arms swings. Guys, take even longer strides. (I don't need to tell you not to sway your hips...right?)
Runway Modeling Tip - Bonus: Modeling is an art...but Fashion is a business. Remember to conduct yourself in a professional manner.
- Always arrive early.
- Be courteous and polite.
- Respect yourself, the craft and those around you.
Try not to be a "Diva". Remember, though you are on center stage, the show is all about the designer and his or her line. Be flexible and prepared to think and perform 'outside the box.' celebrates the lifestyles and conquests of the young, beautiful, powerful and ambitious. Take the first step to becoming the next Top Model or Top Mogul by clicking
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I've been working with runway models for just over six years. From all the hustle and bustle back stage I got to learn a lot of fun and unexpected fashion tips and tricks from my model friends. These are quick fixes for a fashion emergency.
Slip Proof Heels
Runway models often have to wear crazy shoes that usually do not fit their actual size. To ensure a safe walk that will prevent the ankle bender on the runway, models will often pat the bottom of the heels with a paper towel soaked in soda, so when it dries, the bottom of the shoe becomes a little sticky, hence preventing the slippery cow move on the runway. I've also seen models scratch the bottom of the heel with a key or a knife; this makes ridges that help to prevent slipping as well. Stuffing shoes and heels is big thing in runway fashion. Your shoe is too big? Stuff it with some tissue, either in back or front, until you feel more secure in the shoe. Some models bring little inserts that keep their feet from slipping forward when wearing heels. You can get those in any shoe store or drugstores.
Runway models often have to wear crazy shoes that usually do not fit their actual size. To ensure a safe walk that will prevent the ankle bender on the runway, models will often pat the bottom of the heels with a paper towel soaked in soda, so when it dries, the bottom of the shoe becomes a little sticky, hence preventing the slippery cow move on the runway. I've also seen models scratch the bottom of the heel with a key or a knife; this makes ridges that help to prevent slipping as well. Stuffing shoes and heels is big thing in runway fashion. Your shoe is too big? Stuff it with some tissue, either in back or front, until you feel more secure in the shoe. Some models bring little inserts that keep their feet from slipping forward when wearing heels. You can get those in any shoe store or drugstores.
Bloat Free Stomach
Runway models often have to bare more skin then the average woman. Since they never know when their midriff is going to be on display, they have some tricks for a flatter and bloat free stomach. Papaya supplements or fresh papaya fruit is popular among the models to help prevent water retention and bloating. Named " fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya contains papain that helps to digest protein as well as reduce swelling, bloating, gas, acid reflux and indigestion.
Runway models often have to bare more skin then the average woman. Since they never know when their midriff is going to be on display, they have some tricks for a flatter and bloat free stomach. Papaya supplements or fresh papaya fruit is popular among the models to help prevent water retention and bloating. Named " fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya contains papain that helps to digest protein as well as reduce swelling, bloating, gas, acid reflux and indigestion.
Zit Zapper
Nothing could be a bigger bummer then getting a zit the morning of an event or the day before. Because models have to be camera ready at all times, they have a trick for zapping the annoying break out. Take of a couple of ibuprofen and crush it to a white powder. You can mix this powder with toothpaste or water and set it on the break out. The ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug that helps to reduce swelling and redness. A girlfriend of mine is a runway model and she always carries a little container of crushed advil at all times as an emergency zit zapper. You can also buy packets of aspirin powder and mix with water or toothpaste, see what works best for your skin.
Nothing could be a bigger bummer then getting a zit the morning of an event or the day before. Because models have to be camera ready at all times, they have a trick for zapping the annoying break out. Take of a couple of ibuprofen and crush it to a white powder. You can mix this powder with toothpaste or water and set it on the break out. The ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug that helps to reduce swelling and redness. A girlfriend of mine is a runway model and she always carries a little container of crushed advil at all times as an emergency zit zapper. You can also buy packets of aspirin powder and mix with water or toothpaste, see what works best for your skin.
Beauty, styling, editorial shoots and fashion shows have been my life for over 10 years. Far beyond keeping up with the trends, it's a process of improving your level of self-esteem and confidence. I specialize in helping you dress for your body type so you too can look stylish and feminine. In the recent past I've worked closely with Michael Costello and Mila Hermanovski form Project Runway, Mickey Coffman from The Real L Word, top model Saleisha Stowers, L.A models, the top modeling agency in Los Angeles and many more. I've helped my closest friends widen their fashion sense and now I want to do the same for you. I hope you find my fashion tips helpful!
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There are so many different forms of media and entertainment today and they can almost tell you how to live your life with how they advertise and market what they want you to do. Most companies know the influence of the media and they more often than not try to use the media to their advantage.
Everyone Needs Models
From TV, prints, commercial and billboards, brands will post their products on these forms of media so that you will easily spot what they have to offer. They are also able to make you want what they have to offer with the way they make their products more attractive and most of the time, it involves that use of a model.
Modeling is something that has grown so much lately the past few years because there are more and more people who look great on the camera. Even those who do not look that good at all but have the physical assets that are needed can learn how to become a model. Editing photos and adding special effects are some of the techniques that people can use today that were not available in the past..
Physical Traits
This is one reason why it is much easier to find models these days. Being a model is a tough task because most companies are looking for people who have certain physical traits that might be needed for their campaign. Blue jean companies might want someone with long and slim legs while an underwear brand might look for someone who has abs to attract more people with their ads. This does not mean that the average person cannot be a model because if you really want to learn how to become a model, there are many more opportunities awaiting you.
Model Types
Modeling is not just for TV commercials and runways. There's also print modeling where people's height will not matter and this will give a person who is much shorter but has the looks to be the model. Runway modeling is much harder because agencies are more strict about the physical gifts of the person.
Go That Extra Mile
You can always try to find the best parts of your body and send a portfolio of yourself and maybe you will be considered for brands that might be looking for what you have to offer. You can also learn how to become a model by practicing walking and posing, having more discipline and knowing how to act like a model if you plan to be doing runway modeling.
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