Monday, January 30, 2012



Plus Size Modelling - A Growing Industry

If you want to become a plus size model but you're worried that there isn't enough work out there in the modelling industry, think again! This model industry is going through an exciting period of growth, with many a modelling agency now adding more of this type of models to their books.
The clothing industry is a huge marketplace, with designers and shops needing to cater for everyone, including plus size men and women. Whatever your clothing size, every woman wants to look and feel good in what they wear - and these businesses need plus size models to promote their products and help make sales. With the average dress size in the UK being a size 14, it's clear that there is a continual need for plus size clothing and therefore, plus size models.
Fitting The Plus Size Model Ideal
While this type of modelling is a growing industry, a model still needs to fit a certain 'look.' Your modelling agency will be looking for girls who can really work their curves - you need a good, even body shape with good lines and curves that will work well on both the catwalk and in front of the camera. You know those old paintings with semi-naked women with great hips and busts? That's what you need to look like - with classic features and a healthy complexion.
To be a model, it isn't enough to just fall within the correct dress size parameters - good bone structure and being photogenic will be some of the other things that modelling agencies will be watching out for. Confidence is also a great selling point if you want to get into this industry - modelling agencies will expect you to love every inch of your body, so work your bootylicious body and be proud of your curves!
Plus Sized Model Confidence
A great way to demonstrate your confidence is through your model portfolio - include a good close up face shot and a full length body shot, and also consider a swimwear or lingerie model photo - let your prospective modelling agency see that you've got a great shape and you're not afraid to show it.
If you'd like to have a practice run at being a plus sized model before you approach a modelling agency, you can arrange a private photo shoot with a professional photographer. Some modelling agencies will even offer modelling experiences, where you get to work in the studio for the day. If you decide to try something like this, approach the experience as if you really are a model. Work it for the camera, show off your dazzling smile and try to create some fantastic shots that you could include in your modelling portfolio.
So if you really do want to become a plus size model there are plenty of opportunities out there. As long as you have the right look, fit the plus size model ideal and are comfortable in your skin, then you have every reason to give modelling a go.
Life as a model is a combination of hard work and fun - so if you really want to become a plus size model and think that you can handle the pace, find a modelling agency as soon as possible and go and convince them that you are the plus size model for them!
La Mode Model Advice Find out more about Plus Size Model Advice

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Have You Got What It Takes To Become A Plus Size Model?

If you think you'd like to become a plus size model but you're not sure if it's right for you, or even if you're right for the plus side modelling industry, we have outlined here a few of the basics to help you get a feel for plus size modelling.
If you want to become this type of model, obviously the first thing that you need to check is that you fall within the criteria that modelling agencies will be looking for. This type of model is usually a size 14 to 16, although some modelling agencies will also use models who are size 12 and perhaps even an 18, although this is unusual. A plus size model will also be expected to have a healthy body that is well proportioned. You should have a good ratio between your vital statistics (chest, waist, hips), you'll need to be relatively tall, around 5' 9" or above - and great legs are definitely a bonus for plus size models!
Being Comfortable In Your Plus Size Model Skin
You are expected to promote clothing and products in a positive way - so you will need to take care of your body if you want modelling agencies to employ you. You need to be well toned, even as a larger lady and you will need good healthy skin, a great smile with good teeth and a shiny head of well cared for hair.
To become a model, modelling agencies will be looking for confidence and a great personality. You need to be able to demonstrate these characteristics through live plus size modelling work, such as catwalk modelling and also photographic work. If you're not sure whether you have the confidence to be a model, then it's a good idea to have a 'practice run' by attending a 'model for a day' photo shoot or something similar. This will give you the chance to practice poses and get a feel of what it's like to be a plus side model living their life in front of the camera. Another advantage of doing a practice modelling shoot is that you may be able to take away some photos to use in model portfolio. You will need a variety of photos in your modelling portfolio, including a good full length body shop and also a facial close up.
Looking After Your Plus Size Model Curves
Another thing that is vital for any model is a good work ethic. Any modelling agency will tell you that the industry is hard work! As you become a plus sized model you will need to attend casting calls and be prepared for long days in the studio on modelling shoots. You may be required to travel quite a lot as a model and you will need to retain your charm and enthusiasm regardless of how tired you may feel.
The above is another good reason to take care of your health. Drinking plenty of water, following a healthy diet and having a regular exercise routine will help you to retain your beautiful plus size modelling features and will keep your curves in tiptop condition. This healthy lifestyle will also help to give you plenty of energy, making it easier to cope with the stresses and strains of life as a plus size model.
Life as a model and be very rewarding, setting a good example to young girls by showing them that you don't have to be a skinny size 6 to be attractive. It's no secret that the modelling industry is competitive, whether you're a plus size model or otherwise - but if you think you've got what it takes to become a plus size model, take the plunge and arrange to see a modelling agency today, it could be the best thing you've ever done!
La Mode Model Advice
Find out more about Plus Size Model Advice

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Plus Size Modelling - How To Become A Plus Size Model

Plus size modelling covers a variety of different types of marketing areas, along with different form s of media - magazines are starting to appreciate the fuller figure and perhaps the need to include their whole readership in the representations of women that they portray in their publications. There is also a need for work on the catwalks - fashion requires a range of shapes and sizes to promote different clothing lines, so there is an ongoing need for this type of model to cater for catwalk work. This area has received a big boost recently, with top fashion houses using plus size models at London Fashion Week more and more - so if you become a plus size model, you could end up gracing the catwalk at this prestigious event!
Your Plus Size Modelling Portfolio
In almost all respects except for size and some types of shoots, you need to abide by the same principles. The most important thing whether freelance or working with an agency, is to have a good portfolio. Your modelling portfolio should include a selection of photographs showing your different looks and at least one full length body shot and a good clear head shot. It is well worth investing in a professional photographer to ensure that your photos are of a good quality - although if you are successful with an agency, they will probably arrange this for you.
One Last Tip To Help You Become A Plus Size Model
Last but not least, you need to make sure that you are ready in a very competitive industry! When you first start out as a model in this industry, you will be competing for jobs against many other models, some with plenty of experience. You may find that you get rejected at several (or many) castings before you land your first job. It's very easy to get disheartened by these knock-backs, but just remember that even those successful models had to start somewhere and most likely faced similar experiences in order to become a plus size model. Use every opportunity as a chance to learn; keep smiling, watch how the other models around you carry themselves and act at in front of potential clients and keep at it. If you have a health, curvy body and an attractive look, keep trying and attending castings and soon enough you too will become a plus size model with an ever-growing portfolio!
La Mode Model Advice
Find out more about Become a Plus Size Model

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Your Guide To Plus Size Modeling Agencies-How To Become A Plus Size Model                                        
You may not have a size 2 waist or be as skinny as a Dixie cup but that doesn't mean you can't carve out a successful career as a model.
Here are 3 tips for attracting the attention of plus size modeling agencies and get your dreams of a modellng career started right away.
Tip No.1: Self-Assessment
Think plus size modeling is easy? Think again. Getting noticed by can be just as cutthroat as the world of "traditional" modeling.
Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself: do you have a beautiful, yet natural,appearance? Are you tall (ish)? (This is key for plus size models.) Do you have tenacity and drive and are willing to push through for your goals no matter what happens? If it's yes to all this then feel free to move on to tip no.2.
Tip No.2: Create Your Very Own Portfolio
Some prospective plus size models think they need to spend thousands of dollars for a shiny and glossy portfolio to show off their talent. But this is simply not true.
The key to a good beginner's model portfolio: pictures that are "natural." What does that mean? No posing in front of the fireplace. Nothing staged or artificial. Just some simple--but beautiful--shots showing off what God gave you.
So how many pics do you need? Well... at the very minimum... you will need ONE facial close-up and ONE full body shot. (Be sure to wear natural clothing you feel comfortable in.) Having that much will be sure to get you off to a good start.
Tip No.3: Make Contact
Okay. So you've got your portfolio what do you do? Well your next step for your modeling career is to contact reputable modeling agencies that do have some form of specialized department in plus size modeling.
And so what do we mean when we say a "reputable" agency. Well it'll be your job to research the reputation of prospective agencies. (Obviously the Ford agency is legit, some guy on Craigslit? Maybe not.)
The next course of action is to pick up the phone and call--don't even think of faxing or mailing--and see if you can schedule a "meet" at the agency.
When you show up for your appointment wear some semi-casual attire that makes you look good, but comfortable.
Tip: Another way to get noticed is go to an "open call." Don't be intimidated by all the people there. Just do your thing, be confident, and before you know it you might find yourself repped by a plus size modeling agency.
Learn more about Plus Size Modeling Agencies and how you can get noticed by them to help you start a career as a plus size model. Stop by to get tips and resources on how to jump-start your plus size modeling career today.

Plus Size Lingerie Modeling

In the society of today many people look at only the slender looking woman as a model for lingerie but gone are those days when designers and fashion houses reject the plus size person. They now recognize that plus size women buy their product and need to see them selves on the runway. For years plus size women were afraid to come forward and get in the groove of modeling.
They are beautiful. Full figured women are suited for modeling plus size lingerie from bras and nylons and more intimate wear like teddies and G-strings. In the past, it was very frustrating for plus size women to see all types of clothing being marketed for the more curvy woman but designers came up with a more structural plan for the plus size woman.
To be a plus size model you have to be very keen on how to get your body in a healthy and fit condition. Your body has to be toned in a revealing manner to model lingerie. Others will look at her body in a critical manner.
Height and size plays a very important part in modeling. In this of era plus size modeling the market has open up; it is very challenging because the difficult task of finding an agency that would accept the plus size woman. Agencies will first photograph you in different ways; you would also have to be interviewed. When being interview remember to be very relaxed and answer all questions in truthful manner. No matter how you look at it a plus size model can just be as beautiful as a size 6 model.
Why not give me a look up at...
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How To Look Like A Plus Size Fashion Model In 5 Easy Steps

As the shift in the "ideal" feminine body shifts from waif-like to voluptuous, leaders in the Plus Size modeling industry are rapidly become style and beauty icons. Powerful feminine curves, glowing skin and luscious hair may seem a far-fetched beauty goal for most, but ALL women, of all shapes and sizes can look Plus-Goddess fantastic by following just a few simple tips.
First: Find the right undergarments for your body. A well-fitting bra and Spanx are a girls best friends, they'll slim, shape and enhance your curves. A properly fitting bra allows for better posture and supports your bust effectively, creating a sexy curvy shape. Spanx are a nylon-like support garments for the thighs and tummy, comfortable and utterly magical in their smoothing ability!
Second: Dont deny your true size. I know it would feel better to see a lower number size on your jeans, but trust me, when it comes to the fit of your clothing, your look will be made, or broken on the basis of fit. If you are bulging out of your pants at the top (the dreaded muffin-top) its going to kill the sexiness of any outfit. On the flip side, oversized clothing is just as unflattering as sizes that are too small; you'll simply look larger than you are. Plus size women look best in tailored, slightly fitted styles created to enhance and flatter curves.
Third: Play up your favorite features. If you have sexy legs, flaunt them in a knee-length pencil skirt or city shorts with a matching jacket. If you have a tiny waist or great cleavage, choose fitted blazers or wrap v-neck sweaters to show what you love about yourself. Consider the atmosphere when choosing how much of your favorite feature to show-off, your legs may be fabulous, but there's only so much of them that's appropriate to be showcased at work.
Fourth: Great, polished hair is a must. Whether you have wavy, curly, or straight hair, always make sure its styled, healthy and shiny. Misting with a curl enhancer, or smoothing a shine enhancer throughout helps keep most styles looking sleek, and is easy to do before running out the door. Don't deny your texture, fighting with styling tools daily take a tole on the condition and look of your hair.
Fifth: Make-up should highlight the best parts of your face, your amazing eyes, luscious lips or gorgeous cheekbones. A good tip if you feel you have a double chin, is to swipe bronzer underneath the chin and onto the neck to make that area recede back and appear slimmer. Bronzer also can create, or enhance cheekbones and contour the cheeks. Keep your look simple and fresh, sticking to the principal of enhancing your favorite features.
Following a simple set of styling tips, created to enhance your authentic self allows all women, regardless of shape to look fabulous!

Sara is the co-owner and product buyer at [] - A Posh Plus Size Clothing Boutique For Curvy Girls. She currently works as a fashion consultant and personal shopper for curvy women worldwide. Come see what everyone is talking about!

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Friday, January 27, 2012


A career as a model has certain benefits identified with it including: VIP treatment, income earnings of thousands of dollars per hour, celebrity distinction, glamour, and appeal. Some of the highest paid, top models that we see on TV and on magazine covers, do live a life that includes these advantages, but it is likely that they had to begin their modeling careers at the bottom like everyone else. A struggling model will first develop a portfolio, and then spend their days going on many auditions, going to castings with photographers, doing editorials and runway shows with discriminating customers, and receive rejection after rejection while trying to success in the business.
Although the glossy photos on the magazine covers make modeling seem like a cushy, glitzy job, the endless hours of arduous work that the model puts in, is not something that many people see.
Do you, nonetheless, consider modeling to be the right career choice for you? With the fundamental qualities required to be a model, anyone who truly desires to have a career in modeling should set their sights on that goal, and resolve to make it happen.
Conducting a self-evaluation should be your first step. Do you believe that you have the characteristics necessary for a career in professional modeling? Do you think that your body type, height, appearance, and age make you a candidate for modeling? With the various kinds of modeling opportunities available, even if you are not stick thin, you may have a career in modeling? The general kinds of modeling include: pin-up, runway, fashion, and glamour. There are also models for specific body parts, catalog models, and models for plus-size clothing.
Following your self-analysis, you should take the next step and begin to apply your plan for a modeling career. A portfolio is a necessity, so if you do not have one, you need to start developing one. If you do not currently have professional photos of yourself, you should first purchase a set of high quality 8x10 photographs.
In your portfolio, you should be sure to include one full body shot, and one head shot of yourself, taken by a professional photographer, at their studio Taking the time to prepare the best portfolio that you can, will let the modeling agent or client see that a career as a supermodel is something that you feel passionately about.
Read more on runway model and on become runway model

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The purpose of Runway, or Catwalk modeling, is to showcase new designs.

The model who can make the designers' clothing  look absolutely fabulous, in any light, is the one who gets the most gigs...period.
Runway modeling is a great way to launch your career! You never know who is in the audience: a top designer, photographer or talent scout.
Great runway models are made, not born (well there are some exceptions). Here are 6 tips to help you knock them dead on the catwalk:
Runway Modeling Tip #1 - Posture: Stand up straight with your shoulders at the back. Never slouch or hunch. An erect posture will make you look and feel more confident and secure.
Runway Modeling Tip #2 - Focus: Don't gaze and gawk in every direction. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead. Never look down at your feet or scan the audience. Focus your gaze on an imaginary point straight off in the distance.
Runway Modeling Tip #3 - Chin Down: In most situations, it's good advice to "keep your chin up". Well not on the runway. Remember, your audience is sitting down and looking up at you. So tilt your chin down slightly.
Runway Modeling Tip #4 - Hands Open:Remember to Keep your hands open and fingers visible. Not only do balled up fingers and hidden hands make you look like an amputee in photos but clenched fist make you appear tense, fearful or angry.
Runway Modeling Tip #5 - Arm Swing: The rules vary between women and men. Ladies, while your lower arms may swing as you walk, keep your upper arms close to your body. Men, on the other hand...let your arms swing naturally with your gait.
Runway Modeling Tip #5 - Walk This Way: Walk like a runway model, which is properly but naturally. Ladies,put one foot directly in front of the other, but with long confident strides. This will naturally make your hips sway and your arms swings. Guys, take even longer strides. (I don't need to tell you not to sway your hips...right?)
Runway Modeling Tip - Bonus: Modeling is an art...but Fashion is a business. Remember to conduct yourself in a professional manner.
  • Always arrive early.
  • Be courteous and polite.
  • Respect yourself, the craft and those around you.
Try not to be a "Diva". Remember, though you are on center stage, the show is all about the designer and his or her line. Be flexible and prepared to think and perform 'outside the box.' celebrates the lifestyles and conquests of the young, beautiful, powerful and ambitious. Take the first step to becoming the next Top Model or Top Mogul by clicking
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I've been working with runway models for just over six years. From all the hustle and bustle back stage I got to learn a lot of fun and unexpected fashion tips and tricks from my model friends. These are quick fixes for a fashion emergency.
Slip Proof Heels 
Runway models often have to wear crazy shoes that usually do not fit their actual size. To ensure a safe walk that will prevent the ankle bender on the runway, models will often pat the bottom of the heels with a paper towel soaked in soda, so when it dries, the bottom of the shoe becomes a little sticky, hence preventing the slippery cow move on the runway. I've also seen models scratch the bottom of the heel with a key or a knife; this makes ridges that help to prevent slipping as well. Stuffing shoes and heels is big thing in runway fashion. Your shoe is too big? Stuff it with some tissue, either in back or front, until you feel more secure in the shoe. Some models bring little inserts that keep their feet from slipping forward when wearing heels. You can get those in any shoe store or drugstores.
Bloat Free Stomach 
Runway models often have to bare more skin then the average woman. Since they never know when their midriff is going to be on display, they have some tricks for a flatter and bloat free stomach. Papaya supplements or fresh papaya fruit is popular among the models to help prevent water retention and bloating. Named " fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya contains papain that helps to digest protein as well as reduce swelling, bloating, gas, acid reflux and indigestion.
Zit Zapper 
Nothing could be a bigger bummer then getting a zit the morning of an event or the day before. Because models have to be camera ready at all times, they have a trick for zapping the annoying break out. Take of a couple of ibuprofen and crush it to a white powder. You can mix this powder with toothpaste or water and set it on the break out. The ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug that helps to reduce swelling and redness. A girlfriend of mine is a runway model and she always carries a little container of crushed advil at all times as an emergency zit zapper. You can also buy packets of aspirin powder and mix with water or toothpaste, see what works best for your skin.
Beauty, styling, editorial shoots and fashion shows have been my life for over 10 years. Far beyond keeping up with the trends, it's a process of improving your level of self-esteem and confidence. I specialize in helping you dress for your body type so you too can look stylish and feminine. In the recent past I've worked closely with Michael Costello and Mila Hermanovski form Project Runway, Mickey Coffman from The Real L Word, top model Saleisha Stowers, L.A models, the top modeling agency in Los Angeles and many more. I've helped my closest friends widen their fashion sense and now I want to do the same for you. I hope you find my fashion tips helpful!

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There are so many different forms of media and entertainment today and they can almost tell you how to live your life with how they advertise and market what they want you to do. Most companies know the influence of the media and they more often than not try to use the media to their advantage.
Everyone Needs Models
From TV, prints, commercial and billboards, brands will post their products on these forms of media so that you will easily spot what they have to offer. They are also able to make you want what they have to offer with the way they make their products more attractive and most of the time, it involves that use of a model.
Modeling is something that has grown so much lately the past few years because there are more and more people who look great on the camera. Even those who do not look that good at all but have the physical assets that are needed can learn how to become a model. Editing photos and adding special effects are some of the techniques that people can use today that were not available in the past..
Physical Traits
This is one reason why it is much easier to find models these days. Being a model is a tough task because most companies are looking for people who have certain physical traits that might be needed for their campaign. Blue jean companies might want someone with long and slim legs while an underwear brand might look for someone who has abs to attract more people with their ads. This does not mean that the average person cannot be a model because if you really want to learn how to become a model, there are many more opportunities awaiting you.
Model Types
Modeling is not just for TV commercials and runways. There's also print modeling where people's height will not matter and this will give a person who is much shorter but has the looks to be the model. Runway modeling is much harder because agencies are more strict about the physical gifts of the person.
Go That Extra Mile
You can always try to find the best parts of your body and send a portfolio of yourself and maybe you will be considered for brands that might be looking for what you have to offer. You can also learn how to become a model by practicing walking and posing, having more discipline and knowing how to act like a model if you plan to be doing runway modeling.
Tips for beginners on how to become a model at

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Thursday, January 26, 2012


Video Vixens are now treated like celebrities in our society and are more identifiable to the media then some of our politicians. They receive instant gratification to an elite club that once never existed. Women are turned on by the appeal and attention that it instantly brings. Immediately these girls are catapulted into the limelight and get invitations to the hottest parties, modeling contracts, book deals to write about their escapades, dates with wealthy celebrities, and extreme media coverage.
It seems like these days more aspiring models are literally using their bodies to break into the modeling industry. While I don't think this concept is new, I do think with the Internet and influx of reality shows that more women are becoming bolder than ever to get attention. They have taken Girls Gone Wild to a different level.
Your Assets 
If you are not born with enhanced features no problem. All one has to do now is go and get some extreme plastic surgery and enlarge their assets. The bigger your assets the more fame is sure to come your way. Plastic surgeons once had a conscience but now it is all about the money. If you have access to cash, you can get just about any surgery your heart imagines. If you can't find a surgeon to do it in the United States, well there's always another country where you can probably get the procedure at a discount.
Mission Accomplished 
Once you have your enhancements instantly you'll be considered as feature models in the music videos. Once you start doing music videos and getting more exposure doors just seem to fly open. Some women then go on to acting, calendars, hosting parties, reality shows, etc. Women do get their five minutes of fame and some video vixens are successfully able to sustain it.
LisaRaye, Melyssa Ford, Karrine Steffans, Coco, and Amber Rose are all former Video Vixens who are quite successful today. They were more than just a beautiful face and body. They seized the moment and used this as a stepping stone to get to the next level.
LisaRaye had a short stint at acting and was the First Lady of Turks and Caicos until her recent public divorce. Melyssa Ford is doing quite well for herself. She is doing lots of acting now and is working on producing a couple of films. In a recent interview she said that it is still hard to remove the stigma of video vixen even after many years of not doing music videos. She takes it with a grain of salt and keeps moving forward. Karrine Steffans is a three-time New York Times best-selling author. She continues to write about all of her escapades and is creating her own brand. Her most recent book entitled The Vixen Manual: How to Find, Seduce and Keep the Man you Want is flying off of shelves. Coco married former rapper Ice-T and Amber Rose is the on/off again boyfriend of rapper Kanye West who just signed with Ford Models need I say more.
Make sure you live in an area such as Miami, New York or California where the videos are being shot at. Video Vixens definitely can't be shy and should be outgoing and their bodies must be in excellent shape.
If you are interested in becoming a Video Vixen I recommend you take a look at this agency specializes in this segment of the industry. Many of the models with this agency possess multiple degrees and run their own businesses.
For more information about this and how to successfully get into modeling and get the honest answers to all of your questions, visit today. Thank you.
Tracy Hogan is a professional model and educator with over 15 years experience in the modeling industry. She has taught modeling classes at a national modeling school. She specializes in print, commercial, hair, promotional, runway, and free-lance modeling. Think of her as your agent without the agency fees.

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What is the allure of Video Vixens? Is it their voluptuous bodies or the rich and powerful men who lose their minds when they see one. Rock and Roll artists were synonymous with models in the 80's. Christine Brinkley, Heather Locklear and many other models were all married to men in the industry. Nowadays it's the rappers that are dating the Vixens, but they are not marrying them. Rappers take the models more seriously and some had taken it as far as getting married. Rappers make a mockery out of Vixens and pass them around to their friends like they are playing hot potato. The women don't seem to care or even be bothered by it because they are tweeting about it and posting pictures all over the place exposing themselves.
Your Choice
Video Vixens are now synonymous with women of the night. Video Vixens seem to push the envelope, while Models create an illusion. Video Vixens bear it all and the Models leave something to the imagination. Most Video Vixens are on the thick side, while most Models are slender in statue.
If you are on the thicker side rest assured because now is your time to model. Don't sell yourself out just to break into the industry. The industry is looking for real women and I'm sorry but women with inflated body parts are not it. If you fit this category seriously contact some agencies in your area and inquire about full figure modeling. There are more opportunities available then you realize. Marilyn Monroe seems to be the ideal type that must women are trying to emulate. It is not clear whether or not if Marilyn had plastic surgery or not. Reports claim that she only had a nose job. These days it is uncommon for a women not to have had any type of plastic surgery.
I recommend that you go against the grain. Be different or you will just look like everyone else. Whether you decide to become a Video Vixen or get into modeling you have to march at your own beat. Stop thinking about instant gratification and think about the impact that your decision will have on your life later. Society is forgiving but do you want to be known as the chick from the video. If you possess true talent outside of having a gorgeous figure, it may be worth it but if you don't think twice. Vanessa L. Williams bounced back after the scandal broke which cost her the title of Miss America. Again she had true talent and didn't rely on just her beauty.
For more information about this and how to successfully get into modeling and get the honest answers to all of your questions, visit today. Make sure you sign up to receive instant notification of new posts. Thank You
Tracy Hogan is a professional model and educator with over 15 years of experience in the modeling industry. She has taught modeling classes at a national modeling school as well as scouted talent for them. Tracy specializes in print, commercial, hair, promotional, runway and free-lance modeling.
Think of her as your agent, without the agency fee. You can also follow me on twitter at

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Are you tired of all of the social networks that keep on popping up? Folks seem compelled to tell you their every move on Twitter. This could be because you are using them incorrectly. Social networks are great business tools and if used properly can help you get discovered.
Ning, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, AND LinkedIn are just some of the popular groups. These are not even including the specific industry ones such as One Models Place, and Model Mayhem as it relates to the modeling industry. You can even create your own personal community through Ning.
Every day it seems like a new social network pops up. There are so many of them now that I can't even count. They don't seem to be going anywhere and are in fact growing in popularity. I remember when I first heard about Twitter, Shaquille O'Neal was using it. Since then everyone is on it and not just celebrities. I joined and have met several aspiring and professional models on there who use it to network with other models.
The name of the game now is real estate. If you have a business or are thinking of starting one you should seriously go to all of the above sites mentioned and open up an account to provide consistency across the board to create your brand.
Don't just stop there, make sure you go on You Tube and create your own channel too. If you look at most websites now you'll notice that they all have links leading you right to their social media communities.
While I think social networks are great, you still lose the component of face to face communication. When was the last time you received an actual letter in the mail?
All of the above mentioned websites are great tools to help you create your on-line presence and then you can make your personal connections.
Social mediums are a great way if you are interested in becoming a Video Vixen. A lot of the popular vixens started out by doing their own self promotion on these various sites. It is so easy to create a calendar of yourself and then just market it to the masses on these sites. Hook up with PayPal and then you can sell it right from your own site. This will give you a lot of visibility which is important if you want to break into the Video Vixen market.
I've also noticed lately that a lot of companies are having on-line modeling contests. This requires the participants to go on-line and register and post their pictures. The participant then has to let their friends and families know and invite them to go on-line and vote for them. Typically you can only vote once a day. If you think about it companies are saving a lot of advertising dollars by doing this right on their website. Participants can make it easy on themselves by being a member of several social communities. Think about it, with a couple of clicks you can let everyone know what you're doing and ask them to vote for you.
To date, my favorite networking site is Talent House This is a great place to find legitimate on-line modeling contests. I also think SayNow is a great tool too.
Don't delay join as many social networks as soon as possible.
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Tracy Hogan is a professional model and educator with over 15 years experience in the modeling industry. She has taught modeling classes at a national modeling school. She specializes in print, commercial, hair, promotional, runway, and free-lance modeling. Think of her as your agent without the agency fees.

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The curvy model world has myriad of categories such as commercial, fashion, glamor and many others. The most controversial section of the industry seems to be the "urban" model category. Some of these woman can also be referred to as "video vixens". While they are just as hardworking as any other woman, they do not receive as much recognition or respect as a commercial or glamor model. The video vixens stigma has been praised and degraded and keeps coming back for more. Year after year the curves get more rotund and the scandals sweep the headlines. As a curvy women myself, I have to think of this from both perspectives. published general requirements for a plus size model, "Proportionate. You should be in proportion. Your bust, waist and hips should be about ten inches apart in size (i.e. 42-32-42) or very close. In addition, the shorter you are, the smaller your size should be. Someone who is 5'8" would be expected to wear a smaller size (12/14) than a taller model. It is all about length and proportion." So much for my career as a plus model. At 5'6" and a 36H-38-52 frame, I'm sure Willamina wont be calling me in any time soon. While there are many woman in the world fitting that description, there are others who may be OUT of proportion. Melyssa Ford for example is 5'4" with a 34D-20-38 frame but maintains a prominent position in the urban model industry. The same goes for Buffie "The Body" Carruth standing at 5'7" with an amazing body measuring at 34C-28-44. Neither of these ladies fit the mold for plus model but have very lucrative careers.
On the other hand, women such as Melyssa and Buffie have been disgraced and attacked by the media. They are accused of promoting anti-feministic, and immoral depictions of the Black women. These women can't deny they do not portray us extra curvy Black women in a positive light. In the July 2008 CNN Interview, Melyssa admits, that Hip Hop videos are demeaning to women. But when you don't qualify for the more commercial gigs where do you turn?
I do not condone demeaning women in any light or the constant billboard of "SEX HERE" that video vixens promote, but I myself, have been told that because of my shape (pre-pregnancy) I "would be more appreciated in the pin-up/vixen" community". When do my curves get a say in the image I'm "proportioned" to portray?
EShante Thompson

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