How to Become a Professional Swimsuit Model
An attractive swimsuit model is often sought after due to the fact there are numerous catalogs, ads, TV programs as well as magazines showcasing them.

6' is generally considered a starting height for many modelling agencies however they do make exceptions for physically superior individuals. Proportion is also a big factor and most female models that are under 6' will have perfect proportion. Some women are lucky and can keep in proportion with minimal exercise and a relatively slack approach to their diet. However, these are generally the exception as opposed to the rule.
Hair, skin, teeth and great complexion are a must. You will also need to be easy to work with. There are cases of some super models being hard to work with, but most if not all were easy to work until they became so in demand that they could get away with being prima donnas. Most photographers feel there is nothing worse than working with a model who is unfriendly and unresponsive to direction.
Additionally,a modelling course maybe required, the best ones will find you work after the course as they generally have many contacts within the industry.
Portfolios are the staple of the model and yours must be kept up to date. Photos should be professionally shot as nothing annoys a recruiter more than having to wade through sloppily organised portfolio that is full of amateur photos. Some of the best models in the world will theme there portfolio or even theme different parts of the portfolio to give their portfolio a slight edge over the competition. Make sure the photos are shot from many angles, generally try and make sure they are your better angles but some agencies specialize in quirky looks and unusual angles can work in your favor. As we are speaking specifically about swimsuit models, make sure you have a good variety of bikini and one piece shots. Some lingerie shots can help show off better features of your body and should be included.
Swimsuit models generally have to work out in the open. So an affinity for the outdoors is helpful. Simple things like being able to swim, climb, ride horses, etc can look great in your portfolio and are great for catching the eye of a recruiter.
Promptness is a virtue for a model. If the photo shoot starts at 4am then you need to be there 3:30 or earlier. Try and feel bright and happy no matter what time it is. Try and remember that not many women get an opportunity like this and you could be one of the few lucky ones. Remember you will have to try on different swimsuits and make up and you will probably have to get some preliminary direction from the photographer.
Keep yourself educated, get online and stay abreast of current trends. Agencies want to know that you are thinking about possible future shoots. Use social networking sites to keep in contact with potential employers and other members of the industry. You never know where an opportunity will come from.
When breaking into the industry, you will need to know whats happening around you. Be aware of any local beauty pageants and of any open calls for swimsuit models. Open calls are usually unpaid gigs but give you exposure. A great avenue is to try and get into the "fresh face contests" held by sports illustrated magazine "SI" as they require no experience, but be warned there are only limited spots and they are heavily contested.
Do not be distracted from your goal. Don't let initial rejection put you off. Agencies see hundreds of new girls each year and you need to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Keeping a happy demeanor in the face of rejection will usually give a recruiter something to think about as you leave the agency. You never know, they may give you a call based on this alone. Perseverance is the key to making it. Looks alone will not get you there.
Swimsuit Model Has all the latest swimsuit models and bikini babes online.
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How To Become A Swimsuit, Swimwear & Bikini Model
Many famous women have made a name for themselves appearing on the pages of glossy mens magazine. The most famous of these being the cover of Sports Illustrated including Tyra Banks, Elle MacPherson and Petra Nemcova.
In recent times men's magazine favorites, such as Joanna Krupa & Emily Scott, have become household names as a result of this new type of media exposure.
Becoming a swimsuit model isn't quite the same as becoming a high fashion model you see on the catwalks of Milan or the pages of Vogue. Fashion models are required to be between 5'9 and 6' and typically have bust-waist-hip measurements close to 34-24-34. Whereas there appears to be a little more leniency in the realm of swimsuit modeling.
Of course, beauty is still a prerequisite, as is a slim physique. In general a generous bust size (C cup plus) is an advantage as is the hard to measure "sex appeal" of a model. While many top models have a quirky look that sets them apart from the crowd, bikini models typically have a girl next door quality that is easily relateable.
Following are 7 steps you can take to conquer the world of swimsuit modeling:
- Enter Competitions - Many magazine hold swimsuit competitions through various nightclub & bar venues - this is a great way to get yourself noticed.
- Approach Photographers - Reputable photographers only, preferably photographers who have previously been published in the magazine you would like to appear in.
- Develop a hook - Are you a female mechanic? What about a mad football fan? These themes could look great in a photo shoot and magazines LOVE hooks.
- Network - Use social networking sites such a Myspace and Facebook to find out everything you can about what is going on in the industry locally.
- Approach Swimwear Companies - And other swimsuit related products. Maybe your friends uncle owns a surfboard company or a car company that uses bikini girls in their advertising, once you have some photos to add to your portfolio it makes everything easier.
- Workout - Your body is going to have to be in top shape to even have a chance in this market.
- Get Practise - Once again reputable photographer only! To do TFP work (time for prints). This will allow you to discover your best angles and put you in good stead when you start getting paid work and are expected to perform.
For more information on swimsuit modelling and hot bikini's check out []
Summer Fisher is a former international model who is now a successful swimwear designer, photographer and stylist.
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The Appeal Of Swimsuit Model Videos and Photos
It's obvious swimsuit models have a massive worldwide appeal, and there is a huge demand for swimsuit model videos and photos. Specifically those produced by professional photographers, on exotic locations, and with gorgeous young rising star and sexy celebrity models. Simply seeing, or hearing, the words "swimsuit model" conjures up sensual and exciting mind images and emotions, especially for adult males of all ages. So, it's not surprising that the term "swimsuit model" is currently searched for over 400,000 times each month in one of the major search engines.
One of the great things about looking at pictures of swimsuit models, and swimsuit model videos, is that they're not pornographic. Exciting but tasteful, stimulating but not sleazy. Virtually everyone knows of Sports Illustrated. Their beautiful, professional publication is sold all over the world, and not shamefully tucked away in the adult magazine section.
Now, with the rise of the internet and lightning fast broadband connections, there has been an explosion in the number of online videos, including swimsuit model videos. Video adds a whole new dimension of viewing pleasure with the addition of high quality audio and special effects.
For many young women who aspire to be models, swimsuit modelling adds a whole new field of possibilities, where the height requirements may not be as tough as they are for runway models. Swimsuit models are in high demand for magazine editorials, catalogs, advertisements, swimsuit calendars, and billboards. Live event swimsuit modeling is also on the increase. Runway models usually have a body type that is quite different to that of swimsuit models e.g. very thin with long legs and a special style of "working the catwalk" that is unique.
The gorgeous young women we see in swimsuit model videos and photographs deserve the appreciation they get. After all, it's been said they're "living works of art" for not only do they need great body tone and physique, a pretty face, lovely curves and healthy hair, but they also need to have the x-factor. That "special something" that "seduces" the camera, and has us all falling in love too. To maintain their looks and tone, often requires a lot of self discipline, especially leading up to a major swimsuit model video or photo shoot. In some ways swimsuit models are great "role models" to young women in that they look like real women, full of vitality and health, not like many catwalk models who look well underweight. So, swimsuit models, we say thank you, and we appreciate all that you do!
Steven Jones is a New Zealand based writer who specialises in writing articles for the web and building useful information websites. [] is one of his latest websites.
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How to Work It As a Bikini Model - Posing With Class and Style in a 2 Piece
In the business of modeling, there's a fine line between classy and trashy. When modeling in a bikini, posing with class and style is essential. To achieve this, you must first establish what poses are classy and which are not. Another key element to posing with style is knowing what your angles are. You must be able to move your face and body in sync with each other, to succeed in showing your body in a flattering way.
As with learning the ropes in any profession, experience and practice will help greatly in perfecting the art of modeling. Using a body length mirror (usually a bathroom mirror will suffice if you don't have a full-sized mirror) concentrate on moving your face in coordination with your body gracefully. While in the mirror, look straight forward at yourself, tilt your head up slightly, now turn your face to the right, now to the left and back straight forward. Practice moving your face in different directions, watch as your face changes depending on the angle. What is your best angle? What is your worst? Know your angles!
When posing, good posture will help you have a higher success rate in a photo shoot. Be sure to pull your shoulders back and down, and keep your head up. You'll want to elongate your neck, and keeping your shoulders down and head up will help you achieve this. As you pose from the front or from the side, you should "roll your booty" up. While in the mirror, stand as you normally would, place your palms on the front of your hips. Feel your hip bone? Now roll your butt back and up, notice how you can no longer feel your bone so predominantly. When sitting, standing, or leaning, you should always roll your butt back, this flatters your figure and prevents your photograph from coming out with you and "big" hips.
Your back should also be in the proper position during a bikini shoot. This small element is sometimes overlooked while posing. You'll want to arch your back, while rolling your butt back, again keeping your shoulders back. But try not to arch your back too much, you can run the risk of looking too lustful or sexual. Hunching forward can also look classy, but this is a rare and unique occurrence. Usually the only time you would hunch forward during a shoot is when you are doing a couture photo shoot. A couture bikini shoot is rare, so unless your photo shoot specifically calls for a couture feel, try to steer away from hunching your back.
Your eyes and mouth are another key element in posing with class. During your photo shoot, as you pose you don't want your mouth to be hanging open. Hanging your mouth open in a photograph or as you pose, usually translates into raunchy or too sexual. But you do want your mouth to be slightly agape. To achieve the "pouty" look tastefully, think of chapped lips. Open your mouth slightly, and as you hit your pose, breathe out through your lips. Do not purse your lips! This creates wrinkles in your mouth and you run the risk of looking either tawdry or unnatural. When posing, you don't want to look "at" the camera. Try to look through the lens, as if the camera isn't there. This prevents you from looking blank, and fills your photograph with emotion. By looking through the lens and not at it, sharpens your attention, instinctively pulls your body forward, and intensifies your gaze.
Most models have a problem with moving their bodies during a photo shoot. As a result, their photographs come out "posey" and stiff. When moving be sure to think about being smooth. Think "as smooth as silk", silk fabric moves eloquently and fluidly, and any and every angle falls gracefully. You want to emulate this, moving your body naturally and gracefully, every pose you hit is beautiful. A key point in posing smooth; don't pose...pause. As you move, pause your movement for a few seconds and then move right into your next position. Think of it as if you're walking, no one's watching you, now as you walk, put a pause in your step. Notice how you don't look posey? You look natural, and that's what every photographer wants and every model strives for.
During a bikini photo shoot, you most likely will at some point, be laying down. As you pose, you want to look natural. Keep your shoulders back and low, and elongate your neck. Using your hands is crucial. Let's say you're going to lean your face on your hand. As you move your hands to this position, place your hand against your face, but do not lean on it. This gives you the illusion of posing naturally without the harsh side effects you would get if you were to lean on your hand. Leaning on your hand or arm will sometimes make your neck look awkward, your face will squish against your hand, altering your facial expression. When moving your arms and hands, always think of where they are in reference to the camera. For instance, if you are laying on your side, and you place your arm straight out towards the camera, in a photograph your hand and arm will look huge.
Try to keep them close to your body, and angle your body so it looks natural. Make sure you practice your angles and movements in the mirror. Posing properly with your back, eyes, lips, neck, and hips are the essential element to looking classy and stylish. But there is one more fundamental key to help you rock your poses and photo shoot; FEEL BEAUTIFUL. If you do not feel beautiful, this will translate in your expression and body language. The photographer will be able to feel it, and the consumer will be able to see it. Combining all of these elements will help you excel against your competition, and give you a high success rating.
Brian Cannone went into promoting fitness with enthusiasm and a very genuine love for the sport. His approach and feelings about bodybuilding are that it is not only a sport but more of a way to motivate yourself and others to achieve results of loosing body-fat and gaining lean muscle along with improving overall health. By competing in natural bodybuilding you push yourself to be in your best possible shape of your life. In fact, he believes that it is more about the results you gain then the trophy you may take home with you. With fitness results in mind Brian trained nearly every competitor that competed in the Milford County and Mr. and Ms. Connecticut events, most of these new bodybuilders then competed for their first time and they were overwhelmed with their accomplishments. This is a sport that the contestants can't loose for it is their physique that is the trophy and the process of getting into great shape that is the reward. Visit his website at:
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The Art of a Bikini Model
A Bikini Model is usually very attractive, vibrant, and sexy! She is shapely and loves to show off her well proportioned body! You will find Bikini Models are filled with confidence, mostly because they work very hard to keep in shape, if they did not it would show! People judge a bikini model on posture, body shape, confidence, personality, and overall style!
Bikini Models should look energetic, healthy and have a great attitude. Another very important element is a great swimsuit, it has to fit her just right or she will not look good, and the product will not look it's best either! A Bikini Model should pay attention to styles, patterns, shapes, and color including current trends and styles. Bikini Models must be able to wear a one piece swimsuit or a two piece bikini. A Model should always look relaxed and enjoy the time she is spending modeling. Models are known by their attitude and conduct they display at a photo session! Bikini models and photographers are known to travel all over world to capture the best possible photo at the most beautiful location!
Bikini Models most often like to show off their figure, and will pose in many interesting and different ways. All Models are required to go through various photo shoots to create a professional modeling portfolio. Putting together a models portfolio is an absolute must! When you go see a Photographer for help in creating a portfolio, you should be ready to do a test shoot, also bring your portfolio with you if you have one!
Trust me a Professional Portfolio is the best investment you will ever make. Be sure to include your best images, quality over quantity is rule #1, when it comes to a Portfolio. Include a Bio, with your stats, and contact information. Understand the competition will have spent the time and effort to show their best work, so you need to do the same! Also something for you to take note of, the minimum height of a bikini model is about 5'2" however you can be as tall as 6' in most cases.
Keeping a positive attitude is very important, always have a smiling on your face when meeting with a photographer or casting director. Remember all eyes are on you, so when walking show good posture; this is the key to your success. Remain confident continue to look for that big break, there are opportunities to become a successful and professional Bikini Model. Always have your goal in mind and one day you maybe the next Super Model.
Kevin Beaudoin
Professional Photographer/Owner
DM Art Studio - Digital Images AZ
Professional Photographer/Owner
DM Art Studio - Digital Images AZ
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10 Hottest SI Swimsuit Models of All Time
I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree." Though the famous words panned by Joyce Kilmer many years ago. Now Joyce, in this case happens to be a guy's name. He died in 1918 so you can figure out why he was talking only about poems back then, and that is because he never got the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated magazine.
This is my list of the 10 hottest Sports Illustrated swimsuit models. Now you can disagree with me. I understand that. Heck, I could change my mind five times, and that would be only for tomorrow.

9. Rachel Hunter is a New Zealander who appeared in the 1989 swimsuit edition. She made in 1994 dream team cover of SI's annual swimsuit issue.
8. Jessica Van Der Steen is a Belgian fashion model. She again in SI and 2004 in 2005. He is currently a model for Victoria's Secret. Are you surprised?
7. Elsa Benitez was on the cover of the 2001 SI swimsuit issue and has appeared five more times since then.
6. Molly Sims has appeared in the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 in 2006 swimsuit issues. In 2006 she wore a bikini studded with diamonds that was worth over $30 million.
5. Veronika Varekova was born in the Czech republic. She arrived in New York at the age of 19 to attend Parsons School of Design that was discovered by a big-time New York modeling agency and appeared almost immediately thereafter on the covers of major magazines across the world, including the SI 2004 cover.
4. Kim Alexis was an SI swimsuit model in the eighties. She has hosted health shows on television and has run marathons. If you had a personal trainer like Kim do you think he would work out more?
3. Marissa Miller has appeared in every issue of the SI swimsuit edition since 2002. Her 2008 cover sold a record number of Sports Illustrated magazine. Marissa is another Victoria's Secret girl.
2. Bar Refaeli was the cover model of the 2009 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Her parents own a horse ranch in Israel.
1. Daniela Pestova has been the swimsuit cover model three times. I picked her as #1 because there was 11 years between her first cover in 1995 and her last cover in 2006. Anybody who can stay hot that long deserves the top top.
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